Board Management Software

Board Management Software is an electronic repository for meeting notes, documents and action items. The best portals provide various features to maximize productivity and ease board meetings, including agenda creation, distributed documents, e-signature capabilities and more.

The right software will allow board members to be more efficient and keep lines communication open, even in between meetings. It is Board Software possible to run a board without software. However those who do are less effective and suffer from productivity and engagement problems.

Using a dedicated board management software platform helps organizations streamline their governance processes and cut down on time and expense. The platform provides an efficient way to store, distribute and organize information to keep directors informed, happy and engaged.

Additionally, the program reduces the possibility of compromising confidential data by storing meeting minutes, organizational guidelines and financial reports in one location. It also allows users to secure confidential data by using secure encryption, data management and certified physical storage facilities.

Cloud-based systems for managing boards allow boards to avoid the need to share documents via email, which is both slow and insecure. The information is instead stored in a secure board portal that can only be accessible and viewed only by authorized people. This eliminates the necessity for multiple copies of sensitive data that could be lost or compromised, and makes it more difficult to file frivolous lawsuits. Secure and encrypted data are top of the line included in OnBoard, ensuring the protection of the board’s content as well as members privacy.

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