Career Guidance and Support

Career guidance and support is a service that helps people at all stages in their lives make informed choices regarding their education, training, and occupations. They offer skills assessments guidance, advice and development of job search skills, mentoring or counseling and can be offered face-to-face, at a distance or in a blended environment.

Many people seek out career guidance to help them to explore their passions and values, or figuring out what type career path they would like to take. This can help build a successful and satisfying career. Counseling helps people realize how their career choice will be in line with their personal preferences. Counseling also offers tips on how to pursue certain career paths, such as what the requirements there are for applying for positions, and the most reputable schools in that field.

Career guidance and support can assist people with disabilities find a rewarding career. Career counselors are able to assist disabled people to identify and evaluate their talents strengths, capabilities and abilities to determine if they are able to meet the qualifications for a particular job. This information can then be used to develop an employment plan as well as explore different career options.

Career coaching can provide employees with professional guidance on how to advance their career within the company which may be a factor in helping them feel more engaged at work. This can be achieved by helping employees develop a career plan that incorporates milestones in order to keep them on the right track and provide them with the tools they require to get there.

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